Smart ADHD: Understanding Your Strengths
By Ian Anderson Gray with Mike Cole
Episode 36
Duration: 30 minutes 41 seconds
Episode Theme: Expert
March 6, 2025

Do you feel like your strengths often get overshadowed by your weaknesses?
Have you ever wondered how to navigate the challenges of ADHD while leveraging your unique abilities?
In this episode, we’re diving deep into the positive impacts of understanding and embracing individual strengths, particularly for those living with ADHD. Mike Cole, an ICF-accredited coach and business expert, joins me to share his insights on reframing our self-perception and leveraging our unique abilities in both personal and professional settings.
- [0:00] – A Defining Moment of Friendship
- [0:31] – Introduction to Smart ADHD
- [0:41] – Meet Mike Cole: Coach and Business Expert
- [0:58] – Exploring Self-Perception and Masking
- [4:17] – Understanding and Embracing Strengths
- [5:10] – Strategies for Identifying Strengths
- [12:07] – The Importance of Self-Acceptance
- [16:36] – Navigating Business with ADHD
- [24:16] – Balancing Purpose and Profit
- [28:58] – Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Embracing Strengths and Reframing Weaknesses
One of the key takeaways from my chat with Mike is the importance of embracing our strengths rather than focusing solely on our weaknesses. It’s easy to get caught up in what we perceive as flaws, but this mindset can hinder our growth and productivity.
So, how do we shift that perspective? Mike suggests practical strategies like energy mapping. This technique involves identifying when you’re at your most productive and aligning your tasks accordingly. By doing so, you can harness your natural energy levels to tackle the things you find challenging, rather than fighting against them.
The Power of Self-Acceptance
Self-acceptance is another crucial theme we explored. Mike shared his personal journey with dyslexia, highlighting how acknowledging and accepting our differences can lead to a more fulfilling life. It’s about being at peace with who we are, and understanding that our uniqueness can be our greatest asset.
Think about it: when we accept ourselves, we create a solid foundation for growth. This acceptance allows us to develop strategies that complement our strengths and weaknesses, rather than letting them define us.
Navigating Business with ADHD
For those of us in the entrepreneurial space, navigating business with ADHD can present unique challenges. Mike emphasised the importance of a flexible work schedule and outsourcing tasks that drain our energy. By delegating and creating a work environment that suits our needs, we can enhance our productivity.
It’s also vital to find a balance between purpose and profit. Many entrepreneurs with ADHD struggle with this disconnect, feeling torn between what they love and what pays the bills. Mike encourages us to reflect on our passions and align them with our business goals. It’s not just about making money; it’s about finding joy in what we do.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! How do you embrace your strengths, and what strategies do you use to navigate the challenges of ADHD? Share your thoughts in the comments section below, and don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for more valuable insights!
For more from Mike Cole, you can check out his website at, or follow him on Instagram at thismikecole and on LinkedIn at thismikecole. You won’t want to miss his upcoming YouTube channel at Thrive With Your Business!
Watch Episode 36

About Mike Cole
Mike is an ICF-accredited coach and qualified accountant with a wealth of business experience from leading multinational teams in £multi-billion corporates to supporting solopreneurs to create profitable businesses
[0:00] Mike: I found it mortifying to be saying to my dear mate, mate, I don't remember. I'm sorry.
[0:05] And he puts his arm around me and he says dude, that's not why we're friends My memory is not a defining feature of our friendship. What would it take to be at peace with your weaknesses? And that, I think, is quite a defining moment
[0:19] I mean, it's a very British thing, isn't it? To be like, Oh, I might actually be, you might be the best person in the world at something and you'd still be there going, I'm reasonably good at it.
[0:26] The biggest challenge we have in this is actually, we often struggle to see our own strengths because we dismiss them
[0:31] Ian: welcome back to Smart ADHD. Today we're looking into how you can embrace your strengths and how to reframe your weaknesses, especially when it comes to A DHD. And it's great to be joined again by the fantastic Mike Cole, who is an ICF accredited coach and a qualified accountant with extensive business experience from leading multinational teams in billion pound corporations to supporting solopreneurs in building profitable businesses. In this episode, we explored the impact of self-perception, the challenges of masking, and how understanding your unique strengths helps you thrive beyond the label of ADHD. I think it's time to get on with it right now.
[1:10] Hello, I'm Ian Anderson Gray, and this is the smart ADHD podcast.
[1:25] Now if you're a smart, creative entrepreneur or business owner navigating your life with ADHD, This is the podcast for you. Now, I'm no ADHD expert, but I'm eager to share my story on what I've learned by talking with experts, as well as digging into the personal ADHD stories of successful creatives and entrepreneurs.
[1:48] I was diagnosed at age 46, and it answered so many questions in my life. But of course, that was in many ways, only the start of my journey. So let's learn together. Smart stories, smart strategies, smart ADHD.
[2:15] Hi, Mike, you're back. Thank you so much for joining us again on smart ADHD. This is our second episode. We've just recorded one. And then we ran out of time because there was so much we wanted to talk about in it. So thank you for this.
[2:29] Mike: Well, thanks for having me back. The, the small gap between the two is lovely.
[2:33] Ian: Yeah, bit of a sip of tea. I've got my tea. In fact, I actually haven't drunk my tea yet.
[2:38] Mike: Look at that. Look at the
[2:39] Ian: Oh, there we go. A nice blue sky tea was what I'm drinking. Just, I don't think anyone necessarily needed to know that, but that, there you go. So let,
[2:46] Mike: Ian.
[2:47] Ian: I wish, if you're listening. If you want to sponsor the podcast, so we were talking last episode about building a business that works for you. We're going to have you back to talk about a similar kind of thing, but we were talking about you were showing your experience with masking as someone with dyslexia. So you found out you had dyslexia in the 1990s. We're working in a corporate setting. And there were things in that corporate setting that you struggled with and you were talking, you were very open about things like memory and and the time it takes to think and all those kind of things.
[3:23] And that for you at the time was, that's a very negative view, a negative way of looking at things. But you also then talked about the fact that there are some, there are some. Other ways of looking at there are some positives. There are some positive traits that you have And as I said mentioned last episode so mike doesn't as far as you know have adhd, but you work with lots of different as a coach you work with people with adhd as well And there are definitely crossovers here With ADHD, dyslexia, autism, there are negative traits, but there's the dichotomy of these things.
[3:58] There's for every negative, there's often, maybe not always, but there's often like a positive side of things. And so I wanted to ask you about that. So we were, there was still a lot of hope in the last episode. I don't think it was a, it wasn't a kind of a doom and gloom one, but I want on this episode, maybe to look a little bit more about those.
[4:17] strengths. I have found working out what my strengths are really tough. I've worked very hard at this over the years. I did a course once called Growing Leaders, and one of the questions in there is to list your strengths. I couldn't do it. It was my wife was actually there and I said, I don't know what my strengths are.
[4:37] And she said, What are you talking about? You got you good at this. You get it. And I started thinking, Oh, yeah, I suppose I am quite good at that. So and then I've done the strength finders question of I found that particularly helpful as well. So but sometimes working out our strengths, particularly when we're looking at a condition, if we want to call it that in a negative way.
[4:59] So dyslexia, ADHD, we can look at all these traits. ADHD has got the word disorder in it. It's all pretty, pretty negative. So how do we work out what our strengths are?
[5:10] Mike: So it's a great question. Actually, I think you've alluded to some of the, some of the key points, which is, which is brilliant. The first thing I would encourage is that we break free of thinking as an ADHD person, what are my strengths? And we just go deep into ourselves about what, what are my strengths?
[5:26] And the reason I say that is because actually In your case, Ian, the most important thing is you understand what your strengths are, some of which I think will be connected to being or having ADHD, some of which will not be. And we want to know all of your strengths. That's the, or you want to know all of your strengths and to make sure you're using them.
[5:44] And I think the strength finders, there's, there's quite a few different profiling tools Some people find them very useful and that's wonderful. So if, if you do, please go ahead and use those and, and, and have a look. I, I feel those tend to be a bit boxy as in, Oh, you've got this profile or you're one of these people.
[6:01] And again, some people love that. For me, I think there's more of a nuance to it than that. And I think that can cause some trouble in its own right. However, it's a, it's a fine starting point. This is what I'd encourage though. I'd write down a list of everything I find easy. What do I find easy? And I'd also write down, where do people come and ask me for help that I find easy?
[6:22] Where is it that people say nice things about me that I find easy? Where is it people say nice things about me that I find energises me? And then the other thing I would try is, is actually asking when I do this with people, I normally say five people, but five's an arbitrary number. Yeah, it could be 10, 15, it doesn't matter, but a reasonable number of people.
[6:42] So five people who know you pretty well, I'd literally ask them what they think my strengths are. Give me five words that back up. Don't worry Ian, you don't have to do that. But that's what I'd ask them. And then I'd just see what comes out. What do people comment? There's one other thing I'd do without having got that into a bit of a pile.
[7:00] I'd then look for the theme that's behind it or below it. So, I'll use communication as an example. We were talking last time a bit about where I can communicate well, cause I have to read every single word. So I'm more mindful when I'm reading written words about what they really mean and how that, what that's saying.
[7:19] The flip of my dyslexia is if I'm in a lift and someone says, Mike, just quick update on, I'm a nightmare. Quick update on, Oh, but if I've not already formed that, if I don't already know what I'm going to say, this is not going to go well. If I'm on stage and I've spent. Loads of time preparing. And I'm very clear what I'm presenting.
[7:37] So someone might say I'm a good communicator, but I'd say that's too high level. So what is the thing underneath it where I really perform well? The, the biggest challenge we have in this is actually, we can't see, we often struggle to see our own strengths because we dismiss them and, and I wonder why, but.
[7:55] When you've, someone suggested some of your strengths to you Ian, have you, like, how did you feel in that moment? Did you look at them and think, yeah, I'm epic at those? Or did you, did you kind of brush them off at all?
[8:05] Ian: I think in, in, in my experience, I struggled a lot with as some people with ADHD do not always, but I struggled with low self esteem thinking that I'm like no good at anything. And I think I, for me, there was definitely a disconnect with reality. And I assumed, I suppose I assumed that everyone was maybe good at this, or it could be that I was, maybe more of a perfectionist.
[8:28] I was comparing myself with this ideal. So even when, I trained I was very talented in the music world and. I was always comparing myself to people who were better than me, people who so when I was singing, there were always, there was always people that were better than me.
[8:45] I focused on the negatives. So again, with singing, I struggled with the memory and remembering words. So I always would focus on that. And so there was that side of things. And I think there's the whole area of maybe Not wanting to blow my own trumpet. Which is maybe a bit of a British thing, so not wanting to say, Oh I'm very good at that.
[9:04] I have noticed, uh, some friends of mine, some of them are American. I'm not wanting to stereotype here. So American listeners, I'm not suggesting that all Americans are like this, but I American friend of mine, who'd said that they. I've just finished my new book. I think it's the best book I've ever written.
[9:19] And I just thought they were being sarcastic because I would never say that. I would, you know, sorry, I'm not, I don't know whether I'm answering your question, but I think there's a mix of quite a few things there.
[9:28] Mike: Yeah. And each one of those, there's definitely something behind. And just on that, that last point, I think, I mean, it's a very British thing, isn't it? To be like, Oh, I might actually be, you might be the best person in the world at something and you'd still be there going, I'm reasonably good at it. Yes.
[9:42] Ian: Yeah, That's
[9:43] Mike: which, which probably doesn't translate into anywhere else other than here, but it, but there is that, but I think knowing your strengths and shouting about your strengths are not the same thing.
[9:53] And. Definitely, the key starting point is to know what those strengths are and then to shape your world to use those and as business owners, we have, I think, quite a unique opportunity to really shape the business to play into exactly how we operate at our best quite happily, you know, explore some of those elements and and how that plays out in, in my world.
[10:14] But, but you also mentioned this sort of assuming everyone else is And I think, I think that's a classic, you know, we use comparison to try and help us grow and improve. And yet we also use it to hold us back. You look at other, let's take singing as an, as an example, you look at other amazing singers and go, yeah, maybe they're more amazing than you are.
[10:35] And yet, and I don't know, and that's not a statement or a theoretical comment. And yet there is actually room for. Many more singers than just those, let's say two or three people you've got in your mind. And the way that you approach that, the tone of your voice, the notes you can reach, the, your stage presence, et cetera, will be slightly different to theirs.
[10:56] And that will work well in certain circumstances, maybe better than they would work in certain circumstances. There may even be moments where they went, Oh, I wish I could hit the note that Ian can, or to bring that tone. Because in this particular song or this particular part that would fit. Sort of better than I can. Do you know what I mean?
[11:14] Ian: think with business as well, with the personal brand, it's there's I know there are people out there that know a lot more about that than I know on certain things that are better than me at certain things. But. No one else is quite like me, I have my own personality my own I have my own flaws, but and my own personality and my own way of explaining things to people and That will both repel certain people and attract other people as well.
[11:42] And that's, I know, so I know that to be the case, but there's still this disconnect between knowing that. And actually I tend to then still focus on the negatives and not on my strengths. I've had to really work harder that to focus on those strengths and to shape a business around me that does focus on those things.
[12:00] Mike: Okay, so what would it take? Again, you don't actually have to answer this as a specific question, but it's, it's the challenge that I would put forward. What would it take to be at peace with your weaknesses? And that, I think, is quite a defining moment. For those that either have just listened to the previous episode or Listened a little while ago, but have a very good memory.
[12:18] I said, there was two things I wanted to talk about. I forgot one of them and this is one of them. So it's come back. Thankfully. So that was a, that was a milestone moment for me that happened about three years ago. And I, as I said I have a bad memory.
[12:31] It is something I have. There is not much I can do about it, but I have a lot of coping mechanisms and strategies to mitigate and minimize the impact of that. And typically that involves taking notes, typically that involves bringing those notes up when I'm then talking to somebody. Very easy to do online.
[12:47] I do most of my things online. I was seeing a very good friend of mine I've not seen them for a while, but we, we tend to see each other every year. And we were around the COVID time. So that, that there'd been a little break. But I was talking to him, we're having a great time. We were playing with the families on the beach.
[13:01] It was lovely. And he told me about the, the sad passing of his, of his parent, one of his parents. And it was, it was really, really sad. And we talked about, you know, how he was feeling and what was going on. And we had all this, this conversation a year later, same beach. Not quite the same day, but very, very similar with the families.
[13:18] We're, we're back talking away and we were talking about Christmas and I said, ah, that was your first Christmas after one of your parents had died. You know, how, how was it? But I said, it was the first Christmas after your, and I could literally feel the dot, dot, dot in the, in the sentence in the air, and I was thinking, I don't remember, was it his mum or his dad?
[13:39] Now I know them. When I was at university, I was around there at least once, maybe twice a week in the family home, you know, drinking coffee from their, their their table. And I knew them pretty well. Right. And, and I found it mortifying to be saying to my dear mate, mate, I don't remember. I'm sorry. And what happened is I, I had, we had this sort of dot, dot, dot moment.
[14:00] And I just said, I'm really sorry. I don't remember. Was it your mom or your dad? And he said it was my mom. And then I said. Now normally what I'd say is I'm really sorry I've got bad memory and I'd move on, but I said in this case I said I just want to be really clear. You matter to me. This matters to me It has bothered me that I didn't remember that and I'm sorry It is not a reflection on how important you are to me or how important this friendship is And he puts his arm around me and he says dude, that's not why we're friends My memory is not a defining feature of our friendship. We have since sat at weddings together and all sorts of things where we've shared stories and he reminds me of things that we did together. And in talking about it, it brings back the memory and we get to explore it together. And I'm like, wow, that was a really fun moment.
[14:45] And it's now part of our friendship rather than being. Him putting his arm around me and saying it's okay was a defining moment for me to let go of that weakness and be like, it's okay. Like, I am at peace with the fact. I don't have a great memory. That's okay. That makes sense.
[15:01] Ian: It makes sense. Yeah. No, I was, to be honest, I was getting quite emotional hearing that story. I think that is such a beautiful thing.
[15:08] Mike: it was a beautiful moment to be back.
[15:10] Ian: yeah. And I think having friends like that in our lives, but I suppose it then to me for me, then leads back to that was a friend of yours that said that to you.
[15:20] And that obviously made a big impact on you. But how about ourselves? What are we saying to ourselves? What if we could be like your friend, and say to ourselves, like to me, if it was me, I was like, Ian, I know that you don't have the greatest memory or your, motivation is sometimes, whatever it is, like giving ourselves a little bit of, I don't know what it is.
[15:41] Grace. Is that something that you've thought about?
[15:43] Mike: So I think the challenge here is if someone else. Forgives you for you being you, why can't you forgive yourself? And that was it for me. I came back and went, if, if what I, I think that was really insensitive. That I didn't know the answer to that. What I would normally have done when he first told me is write it down.
[15:59] But when he first told me, I didn't want to get my phone out and write against his name in my contacts that I, that didn't feel right. And by the time I got back to the car, I'd forgotten. And so I think. Knowing that. He could forgive me, or in fact, it's not even, he didn't even forgive me. It's a nothing.
[16:15] It's a non thing. So if it's a non thing for him, why is it a thing for me? And, if I'm not, Being mean about it, if I'm not using it as an excuse to never send someone a birthday card or like, do you know what I mean? Because I can use calendar invites, I can do things to offset it in so many places. And then surely that's good enough.
[16:33] Like I've done enough that I can then just be at peace with it. And I wonder if, I wonder if the big challenge here, and I would quite happily try and explore it if, if we want to give it a go, is how can, how can your listeners, ADHDers, how can they Be at peace with the challenges within it so that they can lean more into the strengths of it because there is this amazing power that's just there waiting to be released.
[16:57] But if we feel guilty about releasing that power, if we feel like we're underachieving the other times when we're not releasing that power, then we're holding us back ourselves back.
[17:06] Ian: Yeah, that is so powerful. So true. And we miss this when we hear phrases like ADHD is my superpower. ADHD is it's the worst thing about me. It's the worst thing in my life. Those are very black and white. They're not, I'm not saying they don't have any merit. They're just surface level things.
[17:22] Whereas what we're talking about here is where it's much more complicated than that. And it's you said this, that It's not an ex, it's not just saying and giving you then an excuse just to let it all hang out and like in your situation. Just say, Oh I've got poor memory.
[17:38] So that's just the way it is. And, you, you've created smart strategies and tools and systems to help you. And that's partly what this podcast is all about to help with those smart tools, strategies to help with ADHD. But the deep work, it has to start with working on yourself. And I think for a lot of us, there is that underlying.
[18:01] guilt and judgment, not just from other people. There, there is that let's not say that doesn't happen, but the person who obviously judges us probably the most is ourselves. So yeah, if you've got any, how can we get to that point of maybe of helping ourselves when it comes
[18:21] Mike: wonder if it's all about perspective so I'm almost cringing and using the words helicopter view because anyway, go with me. I wonder if part of this is we, we get into the detail, like we narrow down into one specific focal point. This is what I'm struggling with. For example, maybe that is, you know, classic ADHD would suggest certainly for a hyper focused person would be, they can really hyper focus, but other days just cannot get anything done, like it just hours drift by nothing's going on on those days can then kick themselves really hard going.
[18:54] This is not, it's not good enough. It's not acceptable. I feel, you know, unworthy. Whereas if we were to lift out, you know, literally zoom out. Look at the bigger picture of it, and then say, okay, so you had two days where you did like a month's worth of work, and then you had two days where you didn't do an hour's worth of work.
[19:13] Most people would bite your arm off if over four days you did a month's worth of work. But because we're looking at the specific detail, we're beating ourselves up about it. And then the challenge comes. How do I give myself the environment where I can work flexibly enough that I don't have to have super focused days every day and no one should set themselves up to do that?
[19:33] That's mad. How do I give myself the flexibility so that when I'm on it, I can Change the world, but doing the bit that's really resonating with me. Cause I think one of the other challenges, very common challenge would be I don't know, let's say it's a, I meant to be doing content today, but actually I don't feel in a content moot.
[19:50] I feel in a, I've got this brand new opportunity and I want to go and knock up a, a test case, right? Proof of concept and go and see if it flies or not. So how do you design your world so that you go, that's fine, in which case I'm going to knock up that proof of concept and I'm going to fire it out. But I'm going to knock up the proof of concept that I said previously was the most important one, not just the one that's in my head right now, maybe?
[20:11] So it's, it's combining those systems with doing it over a time frame. That gives you the flexibility and the scope.
[20:18] Ian: Yes. Yes. And what I just wanted to say that this is one of the issues that I think many people with ADHD struggle with is time blindness. And Jonathan, so I had Jonathan Hassel, who is an executive function coach from Brisbane, Australia on the podcast. And he was talking about the fact that he's never actually met anyone with ADHD who doesn't struggle with time blindness.
[20:40] And he was talking about the importance of. Having a, like a calendar and understanding your, when you're more likely to have energy, when you're tired, going to be tired and to use that as a way to track. And to plan and all this kind of stuff. And so in a sense, that's what you're talking about.
[20:57] This might be difficult for people with ADHD to do because we do struggle sometimes with that concept of time, but that's why tools such as a digital calendar or any kind of calendar can really help. Would you say?
[21:09] Mike: Yes, but also totally on board with energy mapping. I think that's a fantastic way of looking at it. And I think trying to get the data. I'm a big fan of having data or information. That actually shows you something looking for patterns in data. The challenge being collecting that data is unlikely to sit well with a lot of the people listening to this, they're going to go, what you want me to actually like track how I'm feeling or track my time use. boring. You know, that's not where my head's at. So, so the other way of approaching it, but I fully support those. I think they're great ideas. The other way to give an alternative is to. Give yourself bigger blocks of time to play with and monitor how you do. So rather than trying to understand it all and map it all out, you say, okay, I'm going to stop saying this is what I'm going to do today.
[21:56] And I'm going to say, this is what I'm going to do this week. It doesn't matter when I do it. But I have to do the things that are in that sort of to do list, should we say. And I'm literally going to look at it and go, I feel in the mood to do that one and that one. And we'll look again and go, feels like I should do that one today.
[22:09] I'll do that one and see what happens. And you might find you get to the end of the week and you haven't done something. You put it into next week's, you get to the end of the week. You've still not done that one thing. You might find there's one thing. And then I'd start to say, okay, can you outsource this?
[22:23] How do you work with someone else to get this done? Some things we just have to dig deep and crack on and make happen. Or do we as business owners? Can we not build the teams that we need around us? If we generate enough money through the products and services we offer, surely we can outsource key elements so that we can If we haven't set our products up properly, then maybe we can't sorry, properly.
[22:45] That sounds, that's unfair. If we're struggling to charge enough that we can then outsource elements, that is a different challenge and a challenge worth addressing and looking at. But I do think if we start to see what we find easy to do, and we start to see the stuff we find hard, and then can we find another way of getting those harder things done in the corporate environment is still an opportunity, but it's harder because we control less about the teams and less about how much work we can just pass to somebody else to do.
[23:10] Ian: Yeah. Yeah. So I think we're probably going to have you back on the show probably about three or four times because I feel like what I've really found so valuable about our conversation is that you've really dug deep and I think we have to dig deep into all of these different things.
[23:25] And there's a few other questions I was going to ask you, but we'll need to leave that for another time, but. Obviously the way we work and understanding our strengths is important. And to, yeah, just to give what's the, this is maybe a bit of dyslexia for me. I can't even forget what's the word when you outsource.
[23:41] That's the word outsource. If you need, maybe there are certain things that you need to outsource in your business. I sometimes I know that for me, like I'm great with the ideas. I'm sometimes really great with detail and communication and explaining things when it comes to more strategic things. I'm not quite so hot on that. And I think this is why it's helped for me to have friends around me to, to have to work with coaches as well who are specialized in those things. And yes, that does. It's certainly in, in the coaching way, if I hire a coach that costs money, but has been so helpful for me, I wanted to ask you finally.
[24:16] So I, we will talk about all the other stuff another time, but I think with ADHD and maybe this is the same with other types of neurodivergence, but that we've talked about this disconnect between our strengths and. the way we view ourselves. I think often there's that disconnect between our strengths this kind of feeling that we have a purpose, that we want to help people.
[24:38] There's definitely that. There's that emotion. We often look at things emotionally, but there's this disconnect sometimes with making money. So like sometimes in our businesses, we can focus on what we're really excited about. We really want to make a difference in the world. That's like big thing for me.
[24:54] Like I see myself as this catalyst for the transformation in people's lives. I want to get people unstuck. I don't, in one sense, do my business to make money as a, like for me, it's not actually about making the money, except that obviously I need money to do what I'm doing. And I speak to a lot of people with ADHD and it's not always the case.
[25:15] But there seems to be this slight kind of, I don't know what it is, a disconnect. So yeah what's what do we do about that?
[25:22] Mike: That's a great question. And, and it's an interesting challenge. I coincidentally, I didn't get into coaching to make money. It can be a very lucrative environment and space, but I'm all for changing the world one step at a time. And one of the challenges in there. Two, two challenges in there. One is, but I still need to pay the mortgage and put food on the table and, you know, uh, buy at least some clothes for the kids and all those sorts of things.
[25:47] I think, but I, but I think beyond that, the more, Money you can generate into your business, the more opportunity you have to make a bigger impact. And whether that's spreading a message, whether it's offering services for a lower price or deliberately doing a specific new service directly into a space.
[26:03] And so, so I, I think partly reframing it to consider how does the money help? So if I, if I think of what my purpose is, how would having more money accelerate? or amplify that purpose. And then, using the purpose, how do I generate that money, to then reinvest at least some of it, to amplify that purpose. So I, I'm a big fan of the reframe, but I'm also very aware of, of a classic challenge.
[26:30] I talked, we talked earlier about strengths being easy. And I think one of the simplest ways of looking for where your strengths are is looking at what you find easy. Guess what we find really hard to charge for? Things we find easy, right? Ah, well that'll only take me five minutes, because I happen to really enjoy it.
[26:46] Or it's a problem and you think, Oh yeah, I know, I'd love to dig into that. I'm going to go and explore that later. Oh yes, nice juicy problem. So we charge less for it. Which is Insane, really, you know, actually that's where we add huge value. And so the other thing I'd encourage we do is come back and look at it from the value the client gets or the value of the user, depending what it is we're doing.
[27:08] What value do they get from doing it? And if we keep bringing ourselves back to this is the difference that makes to them. Does it then feel like it's worth that money? someone is going to go and take a session with you in, and they're going to go and make 10, 000 pounds doing something, is that not worth a thousand pounds? That's a hell of a return, right? That would be brilliant. People would love that as a level of return, but if you position yourself thinking, but if I'm going to charge someone a thousand pounds, they need a lot of outcome from it. Or is it, is that fair? Is it, we tie ourselves up in knots. So I'd literally just put myself in, in their shoes and go, what's the outcome from them?
[27:40] And if I don't know, I would explore and ask that when I'm talking to them about. Paying for my services in the first place, just so I can understand, not because I'm trying to money grab off them or anything like that. I just want to position it. So I know what that likely benefit they're going to get.
[27:55] So I know that. They're going to get a good deal. And then I can feel more comfortable and happier about the price I'm putting forwards. And I can use that to help me turbocharge or amplify my purpose.
[28:05] Ian: I love that. That's, I think a great place to end. I do want to have you back. We'll also talk about you work with your wife, Liz in your business and how that that Works and how that helps as well. I do want to talk to you about that as well, but you could, we're gonna have, I'm gonna have to bring you in for the next 10 episodes.
[28:21] I think to go through all that stuff is wonderful stuff. I wanted to mention that about the money and purpose side of things, because this does, this will not affect everyone with ADHD. We're all different, but I have spoken to a lot of people with ADHD where that there is that slight disconnect there and we could obviously go in much more into detail there.
[28:41] But I just wanted to at least. talk about it and mention it because certainly for me, I've always, it's always been a bit of a struggle. I've done loads and loads of work on that but there was a lot of guilt and maybe even a bit of resentment in there as well. So it's, I think an important topic to mention.
[28:58] Thank you so much, Mike. Thank you so much, Mike. It's been I've thoroughly enjoyed the conversation. We've gone really deep. We could probably have gone even deeper. But I really appreciate that. So tell everyone how they can connect with you. I know you're particularly on LinkedIn, you've got a website, you've got a quiz.
[29:15] Tell us more.
[29:16] Mike: Yeah, particularly come do the quiz. It's probably by far the coolest thing to come and do. Takes less than 60 seconds. All about thriving in your work, whether you're a small business owner or whether you are a employee. Come and do that. I say 60 seconds. And then I give a little tailored video back as Ian discovered last time and share some of my thoughts specific to you.
[29:36] And it is genuinely tailored. I put up your results and talk over it just to to really highlight that. No, this is just for you. So that is amazing for 60 seconds of your time and effort. I think it's a really good return and reward and hopefully will really help you on your journey to thriving more in your work.
[29:53] Ian: Definitely. And this, all of these details will be in the show notes, but what's the website for listeners, for people to go to
[29:59] Mike: Yep, so if they went to Milico, which is M I L I C O dot UK. And for anyone that's particularly interested. So I'm Mike and I work with my wife, Liz, and we're both Coles. And that's the Milico bit. There you go. First two
[30:11] Ian: love it. Love it. And this is actually an actual video from Mike. This is not an AI avatar. We've talked a lot about AI in the show, but it is actually real. So
[30:20] Mike: Real. Yep.
[30:21] Ian: yeah, which is great. Thank you, Mike. It's been wonderful. And thank you much. Get my words up. Thank you so much for watching for plugging us into your ears.
[30:30] And until next time, I encourage you to be smart with your ADHD. Toodaloo.